Greece Undiscovered

Trip Type: Eastern Mediterranean
Greece | 15 Days

NZD 7,865.00 /Person

* Sale Price Available

Bask in the splendours of the ancient world on this 15-day Greece tour. Explore the Acropolis and the Arch of Hadrian in Athens. See where the Olym...

Greece Undiscovered

Bask in the splendours of the ancient world on this 15-day Greece tour. Explore the Acropolis and the Arch of Hadrian in Athens. See where the Olympic Games began in 776 B.C at the Temple of Zeus and in the city of Mycenae, take in the giant Cyclopean stones. Thessaloniki’s markets tempt you with regional delicacies and a local beekeeper invites you to tour his family-run honey farm. On the romantic isle of Crete, stroll medieval towns and get up close and personal with archaeological finds.

Welcome to Athens

Ancient civilizations dating back to 2700 BC, Greece has lured the most curious of travellers for centuries. Your Insight host meets you at the airport and transfers you to your hotel where you have time to settle in. Begin your time on Greece Undiscovered joining your Travel Director and fellow travellers over a delightful evening of Greek favourites and wine.


Divani Palace Acropolis, New, Athens, Athens Marriott

Locations Visited:
  • Athens

The Glorious City of Athens

Sites so iconic they will leave you spellbound, starting with the Acropolis, one of the most important ancient sites in the Western world. Crowning the top is the Parthenon, visible from almost everywhere in the city. View the Panathenaic Stadium where the first modern Olympic Games were held, Hadrian’s Arch, Temple of Zeus, Parliament building, the tomb of the unknown soldier and the trilogy of Athens. Then hug the Athenian coast to the town of Glyfada for a fascinating MAKE TRAVEL MATTER® Experience at the first Turtle sanctuary in the Mediterranean, the Glyfada Turtle Rehabilitation and Rescue Centre (Archelon). Meet the care team and learn about the work being done to help injured turtles, protect the species and create awareness on the importance of protecting these majestic animals. This evening, choose to join an optional dinner experience in lively Psiri.


Divani Palace Acropolis, New, Athens, Athens Marriott

Locations Visited:
  • Athens

Ancient Dion and onto Thessaloniki

Embark north from Athens to the mountain pass and battle site of Thermopylae. Learn how at this very spot King Leonidas led his Spartan army, along with fellow Greek soldiers, into battle against the Persians in 480 B.C. See the memorial dedicated to Leonidas and his Spartans as you pay homage. Your next stop is the archaeological park of Ancient Dion located at the foot of Mount Olympus, the mythical home of the 12 Greek Gods illuminated by your Local Expert. Hear the insightful stories and myths of this fascinating site also known as the city of Zeus. This afternoon’s destination is the City of Thessaloniki, the second largest city in Greece. After settling in, enjoy dinner in a local restaurant with northern Greek cuisine and wine.


Electra Palace, Thessaloniki

Locations Visited:
  • Athens
  • Thermopylae
  • Thessaloniki

Thessaloniki, the Foodie Capital

From ancient archaeological sites to contemporary art exhibitions, the port city of Thessaloniki is yours to discover today on your Greece tour with Insight Choice. Explore with a Local Expert, walking the quaint narrow streets of the old town or “Ano Poli” to take in views of the city below. Spot the landmark White Tower, the Rotunda Monument and the beautiful church of Saint Demetrius. Or, indulge your foodie side exploring Thessaloniki city while sampling local delicacies with your Travel Director. On your walking tour of Thessaloniki’s markets, sample local delicacies such sesame rings, fragrant cheeses, cured meats and the famous bougatsa - a creamy custard and filo pastry dessert. Conclude your excursion with the stroll along the harbour enveloped in a sea breeze and views of the white tower.


Electra Palace, Thessaloniki

Locations Visited:
  • Thessaloniki

Vergina, Metsovo and onto Ioannina

Full of curiosities, the UNESCO World Heritage site of Vergina – historically known as Aigai – is a treasure trove of important remains including a monumental palace and burial ground with more than 300 tumuli. Your Local Expert reveals the excavations and the tomb where Alexander the Great’s father Philippos is believed to be buried. Continue your discovery at the Polycentric Museum of Agaia where you can peruse artifacts of the life, culture and history of the Kingdom of Macedonia. Culinary delights await as you visit the traditional mountain town of Metsovo, famous for its cheese and grilled meats as well as stone architecture. Stroll at your leisure and perhaps sample some of the local fare before arriving at your hotel in the lakeside town of Ioannina for dinner.


Du Lac, Ioannina

Locations Visited:
  • Thessaloniki
  • Vergina
  • Metsovo
  • Ioannina

Picturesque Ioannina

The town of Ioannina will inspire the mind of any curious traveller. Delve into its history as you walk inside the castle walls of the old fortified city, the Kastro, punctuated with ancient towers. From striking architecture to natural beauty, view the beautiful lake Pamvotis before hopping on a local boat cruising to the island of Ioannina. The optional cruise is a car-free escape that invites you to stroll quiet streets, see the Ali Pasha Museum and the Monastery of Saint Nicholas of Philanthropinoi. Live the good life and perhaps treat yourself to freshly made baklava.


Du Lac, Ioannina

Locations Visited:
  • Ioannina

Venetian town of Nafpaktos to Galaxidi

The site of the Great Sea battle of Lepanto, scenery and history are revealed on your visit to the Venetian town of Nafpaktos. Begin your discovery exploring the sights and insights where the 1571 Battle of Lepanto in the bay of Nafpaktou marked the victory of the Spanish Empire and their European allies against the Ottoman Empire. The Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes even played a role in the battle and lost his left hand. Nafpaktos Port, once used to defend the city, is now home to gorgeous private yachts. Admire the yachts, an old lighthouse and two statues depicting the Greek national hero Anemogiannis and Cervantes.Continue your travels to Galaxidi, your home for the next two nights, where you’ll unwind sampling local dishes at a seaside restaurant.


Ganimede, Galaxidi, Epavlis Boutique Galaxidi, Nostos, Galaxidi

Locations Visited:
  • Ioannina
  • Nafpaktos
  • Galaxidi

Delphi with a Local Expert

No visit to Greece is complete without a trip to Delphi. Ascend the Sacred Way of Delphi, once lined with offertory temples, with your Local Expert. Pass the Parian marble Treasury of the Athenians and Polygonal Wall, with its interlocking stones still intact after thousands of years. Approach the Temple of Apollo where for 14 centuries the mysterious Oracle of Delphi breathed her ‘words,' rumoured to have predicted events related to the Argonauts expedition and the Trojan War. Continue to embrace all things local with a visit to the hand-selected family-run Moka honey farm for a MAKE TRAVEL MATTER® Experience. Taste the rich thyme honey – known to be one of the most nutritious in the world – freshly collected from the hive and get up close to the unique biodiversity of the area under the guidance of passionate beekeeper Nikiforos.


Ganimede, Galaxidi, Nostos, Galaxidi, Epavlis Boutique Galaxidi

Locations Visited:
  • Galaxidi
  • Delphi
  • Galaxidi

Onto Nafplion

With the impressive Rio Andirio cable span bridge - one of the longest in Europe - guiding your journey, travel to the Peloponnese. The flavours of the wine making region of Nemea delight your palate over a winery tour and tasting with a light pairing lunch. Relaxed and ready for more sights and insights, arrive in Nafplio – the first capital of modern Greece. Your Travel Director reveals the sights of Nafplio on an orientation walk taking you past Neoclassical buildings with cascading bougainvillea, boutiques, restaurants and cafes, the first parliament of Modern Greece and the central square where locals and visitors gather. As the sun sets, the Venetian castle of Palamidi lights up the town.


Ippoliti, Nafplio, 3Sixty, Nafplio, Castellano, Nafplio

Locations Visited:
  • Galaxidi
  • Nemea
  • Nafplio

The Beauty of Nafplio

Classical Greek culture is revealed on your visit to the ruined city of Mycenae with a Local Expert. Gain insight into these ruins of the two of the greatest cities of the Mycenaean civilization which defined and shaped classical Greek culture and are linked to Homer’s the Iliad and the Odyssey. Walk through the Lion Gate, visit the royal beehive-tombs and see the giant Cyclopean stones used to build the city walls. Continue your exploration of the ancient world visiting the Ancient Theatre of Epidaurus, one of the best-preserved amphitheatres in Greece. Built in the 4th century BC, the Sanctuary of Asclepius at Epidaurus was once a sacred healing centre that attracted people who sought treatment by the resident priests. Today, the theatre is best known for its excellent acoustics due to the steps’ “acoustic traps” and is still in use for theatrical performances. Before returning to Nafplio, stop at a local olive oil factory to learn about the olive oil making process while tasting extra virgin olive oil, a staple of the Mediterranean diet.


Ippoliti, Nafplio, 3Sixty, Nafplio, Castellano, Nafplio

Locations Visited:
  • Nafplio
  • Archaeological Site of Mycenae
  • Ancient Theatre of the Asklepieion at Epidaurus
  • Nafplio

The Big Island of Crete, Heraklion

Rich in history and natural beauty, Crete lives up to its name, “the island of the gods.” Travel to Athens crossing the mighty engineering feat, the Corinth Canal, for your flight to Crete, your home for the next four nights. In the town of Heraklion, take an orientation walking tour viewing sites such as the ‘Koules’ fortress, Venetian Loggia, Morosini Fountain, Basilica of St Mark, Churcof Agios Titus, medieval monastery of St Catherine and the Cathedral of Agios Minas. You’ve surely worked up an appetite and Cretan cuisine is traditionally considered some of the best in Greece. This evening, try some of the local dishes accompanied by the “fiery” local drink raki.


Megaron, Heraklion

Locations Visited:
  • Nafplio
  • Athens
  • Heraklion

Heraklion history with a Local

Ancient ruins, sea, sand and sun, the island of Crete has lured historians and travellers just like you. Get up close and personal exploring the Minoan Palace of Knossos, the largest of the surviving Minoan palaces. Cited as the birthplace of the first civilization of Europe - the Minoans - you’ll uncover ancient treasures including the Central Court, Throne Room, Grand Staircase and fresco of the ‘Prince of the Lilies.’ Perhaps imagine the Cretan legend of the Minotaur who lived in the Labyrinth and was slain by Theseus. Further your discovery of the island and its past on a visit to the Archaeological Museum of Heraklion with a Local Expert for an insightful background to the history and culture of Crete. You’ll see more treasures from the Palace of Knossos, astounded by the incredible details in pieces from thousands of years ago.


Megaron, Heraklion

Locations Visited:
  • Heraklion

Rethymno and onto Chania

One of the best-preserved medieval towns in Greece and one of the most beautiful towns in Crete, Rethymno will enchant the most curious of travellers. Take a walking tour of the city. Follow a cobbled alleyway lined with bougainvillea to a charming café and step through a stone arch to a courtyard dotted with olive trees. View the 16th-century Venetian fortress overlooking Rethymno town. While the fort was penetrated on day-22 of the Turkish siege, you can still admire the bastions, ramparts and underground munitions vaults. Conclude your visit with a look at the quaint lighthouse before arriving in Chania for the night.


Samaria, Chania

Locations Visited:
  • Heraklion
  • Rethymno
  • Chania

Chania, The Old Town

A fusion of Venetian and Ottoman archaeology, delve into the history of the town of Chania with your Local Expert. Visit the most important monuments of the old town and the Ottoman district of Splantzia. Stroll through bustling Splantzia Square with a bohemian vibe evident in the local cafés and shops and view the Church of Agios Nikolaos in the current Plateia 1821. Then explore the Jewish district with the famous Etz Hayyim synagogue, the only surviving and functioning in Crete. Stroll along the beautiful harbour and perhaps stop at the one of the many cafes on the quayside for a well-earned rest. This afternoon you have the option for a dramatic finish to your tour with a cruise in the waters of the Cretan coast (summer departures only). This evening, join your fellow travellers for dinner in a traditional Cretan restaurant.


Samaria, Chania

Locations Visited:
  • Chania

Farewell Greece

Sadly, all good things must come to an end. After breakfast, you'll be transferred to the Chania airport for your onward flight.

Locations Visited:
  • Chania




Booking Enquiry

Destination Details
Greece | 15 Days
Trip Location
Trip Starts:
Athens, Greece
Trip Finishes:
Chania, Greece
Countries Visited:

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