Johannesburg to Zanzibar

Trip Type: Overland|Wildlife|
South Africa | 29 D | 1 - 22 People
Starts From:

NZD 6,152.00 /Person

Travel through South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Tanzania towards Zanzibar on this northbound overland adventure.

Johannesburg to Zanzibar

Travel through South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Tanzania towards Zanzibar on this northbound overland adventure. Your 29 days will be spent getting up close to rare black and white rhinos at the Kharma Rhino Sanctuary, taking a traditional mokoro through the fertile waterways of the Okavango Delta, tracking rhinos on foot in Matobo National Park with expert trackers, admiring Victoria Falls from all angles, exploring the highland villages, clear-water lakes, ruins and wide-open plains of Zambia and Malawi, and winding up on the idyllic shores of Zanzibar. Local guides and a knowledgeable crew have got all your needs covered, plenty of time for independent activities will have you curious to see more, and a travel group eager to explore will ensure the epic memories made are shared.

Sawubona – welcome to South Africa! Your adventure begins with a welcome meeting at 6 pm. If you arrive early, we recommend visiting the eye-opening Apartheid Museum to start your journey with some crucial history before meeting up with your group. After your important meeting this evening, why not head out for an optional group dinner and get to know your newfound travel companions? Your leader can point you in the right direction with bar and restaurant recommendations

Leaving South Africa behind, cross the border into Botswana and travel towards the Khama Rhino Sanctuary (approximately 8–10 hours). Situated on the edge of the Kalahari Desert, the Khama Rhino Sanctuary has drastically changed from a former hunting area to a conservation project. Built to protect Botswana's only remaining populations of both black and white rhinos, the sanctuary is also home to other wildlife including zebras, giraffes, leopards, ostriches and wildebeest, all of which can be seen grazing the many waterholes. Visiting this project benefits local communities and directly contributes to protecting the endangered white rhinoceros. Later on, head out on a dusk game drive to see the rhinos when they are most active.

Jump aboard your vehicle and head to Maun (approximately 8–9 hours). Here there will be an opportunity to stock up on any supplies you might need for your adventure ahead. Maun is the gateway to one of the world's most complex ecosystems, the Okavango Delta. This place is unlike anything in the world – a 16,000 square kilometre maze of lush wetlands and waterways teeming with wildlife. You might see hippos, crocodiles, elephants and big cats, but it's the animals aren’t the only drawcard here – the waterscapes and shimmering horizons will have you gazing for days.

Get right in the action today, jumping aboard a traditional mokoro – a dugout canoe steered by friendly local 'polers' – for an Okavango waterways experience. With some luck, you could spot some of the delta's unusual wildlife and exotic birdlife. Spend some time today exploring the maze of lagoons, lakes and streams on foot too, led by experienced local guides. Tonight, you’ll camp on a remote island right in the heart of the wilderness, falling asleep to the humming and buzzing of the African heartlands.

Wake up early and head out on a sunrise walk. Along the way, keep watch for elephants, and if the timing is right, you might also come across some Cape buffalo! These noble-looking beasts are more dangerous than they look, and their horns double as a kind of bone shield that's fittingly known as a 'boss'. Returning to camp for breakfast, you’ve got the rest of the day to relax. A refreshing swim, or perhaps a nap, could be on the cards – both good ideas in the warmer part of the day. Alternatively, take another mokoro trip to soak up that serene river atmosphere.

After taking down your camp, return to the ‘poler’ station by mokoro, before continuing on to Maun by vehicle (approximately 2–3 hours). Today we will visit a local brewery that produces beer containing millet grown by small-scale farmers, rewarding them for their efforts to coexist with elephants and promoting an inclusive economy. This initiative enhances the benefits of sustainable farming practices and ties them to the region’s wildlife economy. After touring the brewery, we'll stick around for dinner and an included beer tasting. Tonight, settle in at camp on the outskirts of town.

Get up early and hit the road for Nata (approximately 6–7 hours). This small town is situated near the stunning Makgadikgadi Salt Pans, which are some of the largest on earth, covering around 12,000 square kilometres. This afternoon, take an excursion in an open vehicle to explore these seemingly endless plains in the Nata Bird Sanctuary. Surrounded by the Kalahari Desert, the pans are naturally dry and salty for a large part of the year. During this time, the arid landscape has an eerie feel to it as heat mirages disorientate the senses. Then, after the rains hit, it becomes a grassy refuge for migratory birds and animals.

Hit the road to Chobe National Park (approximately 6–7 hours). Botswana's first national park is perhaps best known for its high concentration of elephants, which can often be seen swimming in the Chobe River. The river also attracts wallowing hippos, a variety of birdlife, crocodiles sunning themselves by the water's edge, and cheetahs and lions coming down to drink. Enjoy a sunset cruise on the Chobe – an ideal way to spend the afternoon and toast to another day in Africa.

Why not wake up early and see Chobe National Park from a different perspective, booking yourself in on an optional morning game drive. Afterwards, travel on to Victoria Falls (approximately 2–3 hours), crossing the border into Zimbabwe just in time to have lunch on the banks of the Zambezi River. Then it's free time to experience the sights and sounds of the mighty falls. This thundering curtain of water is about 1.7 kilometres wide, falling 108 metres into a narrow gorge below. In the wet season, the spray created can rise an incredible 400 metres as the falls become a raging torrent. In the dry season, the view of the falls is unobstructed by spray and you can see the little islets in the river below.

Today is a free day to enjoy the many activities on offer. If you are interested in the optional helicopter flight (12 minutes or 25 minutes) we endorse the following operator only: Zambezi Helicopter co CAA Zimbabwe. Your local leader can help you arrange this when you arrive. Otherwise, sit back, relax and enjoy nature on full show. As this is a combination trip, a meeting will take place at 6pm this evening to welcome any new travellers joining you on the next leg of your journey.

Use your free time to visit the magnificent Victoria Falls. This thundering curtain of water is one-and-a-half kilometres wide, falling 108 metres into a narrow gorge below. In the wet season, the spray created can rise up an incredible 400 metres and the falls become a raging torrent. In the dry season, the view of the falls is unobstructed by spray and you can see little islets in the river below. Be sure to ask your local leader for their tips and advice on what to do in Victoria Falls.

Depart Victoria Falls and travel toward Bulawayo via the Victoria Falls Wildlife Trust – one of The Intrepid Foundation’s projects. Here you can learn about the rescue and rehabilitation of wildlife, human-wildlife conflict and the trusts role in anti-poaching. There may also be a chance to meet any rescued or orphaned wildlife currently in their care. Onwards to Bulawayo – known locally as the 'City of Kings', Zimbabwe's second-largest city has an interesting history and some impeccable colonial architecture.

Wake up early and get ready to track rhinos in Matobo National Park. Home to a significant population of black and white rhinoceros that can be tracked on foot. As your expert guide takes you through the park, look out for other game like leopards, warthogs, and springhares. You'll also learn about the local plants and trees, including wild pear and paperbark, and discover San paintings and the fascinating rock formations. The Matopos area has great spiritual and cultural significance to the local people and there are many sites within the park where important ceremonies still take place.

Drive the short stretch to Masvingo (approximately 5–6 hours). This colonial settlement – the oldest in Zimbabwe – makes for the perfect base from which to explore the Great Zimbabwe Ruins. The ruined city, now a World Heritage-listed site, was first constructed in the 11th century. It's thought to be the former royal palace of the Zimbabwean monarch. Spend a few hours exploring this intriguing site before heading off to camp for the evening.

Travel to Harare today (approximately 5–6 hours). You will arrive at your destination in time for lunch. You only have an hour or two to explore Zimbabwe's capital city, so if you're feeling active and up for a stroll, get out and make the most of it. Perhaps head to the National Gallery, the museum, the botanical gardens or simply wander the city centre and visit the colourful markets.

Today you will cross into Zambia and drive to your campsite just outside Lusaka, Zambia's capital (approximately 8 hours). Your journey begins with a nice scenic drive to the border. At some point during the day there will be an opportunity to stop at an ATM and stock up on any supplies you might need at a shop or market.

Spend some time checking out Lusaka before a long day of travel. You'll see that it's a modern city but still retains a traditional African feel. Afterwards, travel on to Petauke (approximately 8 hours).

After breakfast, travel (approximately 4 hours) to a workshop in South Luangwa where local craftswomen take snare wire recovered from poaching traps and transform it into jewellery inspired by the African bush. The women will show you around their purpose-built workshop and give you a chance to try coiling or hammering the wire yourself. For each sale made, a donation is given to anti snare patrols dedicated to the conservation of the region. Afterwards, make your way through the heartland to South Luangwa National Park (approximately 2 hours). The concentration of animals around the Luangwa River and its lagoons is among the highest in Africa. Many elephants, buffaloes, leopards, Thornicroft’s giraffes and lions are known to roam here. There are also some 400 species of birds inhabiting the area. A great way to experience South Luangwa and its beautiful scenery is to take an optional river trip – ask your group leader for more details.

Rise early for an exhilarating morning game drive in a 4WD vehicle. Enjoy classic savanna scenery while keeping your eyes peeled the parks abundance of wildlife. There’s every chance you may spot a herd of zebra grazing on parched grass or a pride of lions passing by. Midday is the hottest part of the day here, so seek refuge from the sun and return to the camp for lunch. Return to the park for another Game Drive late this afternoon. Alternatively, perhaps head out on a village walk for a snapshot of daily life in the local community.

Cross the border into Malawi and continue straight to your camp on the shores of Lake Malawi (approximately 9–10 hours). Malawi is dominated by its lake, which covers almost a fifth of the country and provides a livelihood for many local people. Fishermen, fish traders and canoe and net makers all ply their trade on the lake. A common sight is that of a fisherman in a bwato (a dugout canoe made from a hollowed tree trunk) fishing on the still lake at the break of day. Your campsite at Kande Beach is right on the shore, so take some time to rest and relax.

Enjoy free time today to soak up your idyllic surrounds and take a refreshing dip in beautiful Lake Malawi. As well as chilling out on the lake’s sandy shores, make sure you take the opportunity to meet some local Malawians – easily some of the friendliest people in Africa.

Drive to your camp in Chitimba (approximately 8 hours). Chitimba lies along the coast of Lake Malawi and has lovely beaches, friendly locals and a laidback atmosphere. When you arrive, perhaps take a stroll and acquaint yourself with this different part of the lake. Enjoy the scenery of banana palms, papaya trees and the Livingstonia and Nyika mountains looming nearby.

Today is a long travel day into Tanzania and its southern highlands (approximately 11 hours). Sit back, relax and watch as the countryside passes by. On arrival you will set up camp on the grounds of a farmhouse situated on the outskirts of this pleasant settlement.

Wake up early this morning to head off on a 4WD game drive into Mikumi National Park with local expert guides. This less touristed park is home to impressive numbers of elephants, hippos, giraffes, zebras, buffalo, warthogs, wildebeest and impalas – and maybe even a predator or two if you're lucky! Afterwards, we'll drive to Iringa (approximately 5 hours) and set up camp on the grounds of a farmhouse on the outskirts of this pleasant settlement. The area is filled with natural bush land which can make it a bird watchers paradise. Make the most of this rural setting by doing some stargazing before you retire for the night.

Settle in for a 7-hour drive to Kipepeo Beach, just south of Dar es Salaam. Be sure to make the most of it – perhaps take a stroll along the shore after you arrive and settle in. Your camp today is on the grounds of a hotel situated next to the beach.

Catch a ferry to Africa's 'Spice Island' of Zanzibar. Filled with pristine white-sand beaches, winding cobblestone alleyways and fragrant bazaars, Zanzibar has had a colourful history – everything from slave traders to Arabian sultans and fruit exporters. The sight of traditional dhows sailing along the coast evokes what the island must have been like in centuries ago. The old part of Zanzibar's main city is known as Stone Town, and the best way to see this is on foot, exploring the markets, shops, mosques, palaces and courtyards. Explore the many charms of Stone Town, the historic part of Zanzibar's main city, with a local guide. Taste the local delicacies and gain insight into daily local life living on Zanzibar. When the sun is setting, why not grab a drink from a bar overlooking the seafront. A seafood curry at a local restaurant is also a great choice. You'll spend the night in Stone Town at a basic inn.

Once checked out of your Stone Town accommodation, consider booking in to an optional guided tour of the island's spice plantations, learning all about the history of this town's spice trade. You will have the opportunity to smell and taste various spices, such as cinnamon, vanilla and ginger, plus sample some teas made with these spices too. After lunch, head to the Northern Beaches, where white sands and sparkling blue seas await. This is the Indian Ocean at its best.

Enjoy free time in this beautiful archipelago today. There are many ways you can spend your day – perhaps talk to your leader for any recommendations they might have. Snorkelling in search of exotic fish is an excellent option, or you could take a traditional dhow boat on the water. You might also like to feast on a sumptuous lunch of grilled local seafood, or just relax in a hammock underneath a coconut tree with a good book. It's totally up to you!

After checking out of your accommodation this morning, you will make your way back to Stone Town, arriving at a centrally-located hotel around 12 pm. With no activities planned for today, you are free to leave at any time. That doesn't mean your adventure has to come to an end! If you wish to stay on in Zanzibar, either at the Northern Beaches beach resort or in Stone Town, we'll be happy to organise additional accommodation (subject to availability).

28 Breakfast(s), 16 Lunch(s), 21 Dinner(s)

Overland vehicle , 4x4 Safari Vehicle , Mokoro , Ferry , Minibus

Camping (with facilities) (22 nights), Bush camp (no facilities) (2 nights), Hotel (2 night), Bunglow (2 nights)

Included Activities

  • Khama Rhino Sanctuary - Sunset Game Drive Open Vehicle
  • Okavango Delta - Mokoro safari
  • Okavango Delta - Sunrise Walk
  • Okavango Delta - Mokoro safari
  • Okavango Delta - Brewery Tour
  • Nata - Makgadikgadi Salt Pans 4x4 Excursion
  • Chobe National Park - River Cruise
  • Victoria Falls - Visit to Victoria Falls Wildlife Trust
  • Matobo National Park - Rhino Tracking, Park Visit & San Rock Paintings
  • Masvingo - Great Zimbabwe Ruins guided visit
  • South Luangwa - Anti-Poaching Jewelery Project
  • South Luangwa National Park - 4x4 Afternoon Game Drive
  • South Luangwa National Park - 4x4 Dawn Game Drive
  • Mikumi National Park - 4x4 Game Drive
  • Track rhinos on foot in Matobo National Park, home to a diverse range of flora and fauna, including warthogs, leopards and klipsingers. Also, learn about the park's cultural significance and San rock paintings.
  • Camp on a remote island in the heart of the Okavango wilderness and listen as night falls and the sounds of the remote African bush come alive!
  • Go wildlife-spotting along the river at Chobe National Park – home of the world's highest concentration of African elephants – and keep the safari going in South Luangwa National Park on a dawn game drive.
  • Experience the rumble and roar of Victoria Falls from the Zimbabwe side, which gives you the broadest view. Looking for something special? Why not book a scenic helicopter experience?
  • Support local conservation efforts by visiting the Khama Rhino Sanctuary – the only place left in Botswana where both black and white rhinos sit side by side.

This is an overland trip. That means you’ll be travelling with a group in a purpose-built vehicle, visiting remote communities, setting up your own tent, occasionally roughing it in the bush with no facilities, and getting the best possible views of the Big Five. While the trucks don’t have air conditioning, they do have sliding windows which let in the breeze and make it even easier to take spectacular snaps of the local wildlife. The drive days can be long, but it’s as much about the journey as the destination, and half the fun is the camaraderie. For more info on this style of travel, see our Africa overland page: Camping out in the Okavango wilderness means digging a bush toilet and going without a shower. For most travellers this is a small price to pay for such a gorgeous remote island location. The African wild comes alive at sunrise, so there will be some early starts. The thrill of spotting your first lion or rhino is well worth any loss of sleep. You may also want to check out our Johannesburg to Kenya trip if you have more time to explore in Africa.



Booking Enquiry

Destination Details
South Africa | 29 D | 1 - 22 People
Trip Location
Trip Starts:
South Africa
Trip Finishes:
Tanzania, United Republic Of
Countries Visited:
South Africa
Tanzania, United Republic Of

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