Peru & Galapagos Explorer

Trip Type: Explorer|Wildlife|
Peru | 30 D | 1 - 16 People
Starts From:

NZD 13,478.00 /Person

This trip combines our most comprehensive adventure through Peru with an immersive experience on the Galapagos Islands to become a breathtaking 30-day tour through ancient cities and beautiful landscapes.

Peru & Galapagos Explorer

This trip combines our most comprehensive adventure through Peru with an immersive experience on the Galapagos Islands to become a breathtaking 30-day tour through ancient cities and beautiful landscapes. Cruise deep into the Amazon and spend two nights in jungle lodges, stay with a local family on Lake Titicaca’s floating islands, explore Colca Canyon and reach the famed Inca city of Machu Picchu by trek or train. Just when you think it can’t get any more amazing, prepare to have your mind blown all over on the Galapagos Islands. Encounter colourful, bizarre and beautiful wildlife and traverse volcanic landscapes. Walk among giant tortoises, hike to the top of a volcano on Isla Isabela and fall in love with sea lions.

Bienvenidos! Welcome to Peru. With Indigenous cultures dating back millennia, this country is a fascinating land of Amazonian rainforests, diverse wildlife and soaring mountains. Your adventure begins in Lima with a welcome meeting at 4 pm at your hotel. Then, you’ll have the rest of the afternoon free. You might visit the Museum of the Inquisition to learn about Spanish colonialism in Peru. Otherwise, wander around the city until night falls, then embark on an optional Lima Bites and Sights Tour with Urban Adventures, taking you to the bohemian Barranco district to sample the best local street food and pisco cocktails.  

Set out on a Walking tour of Lima downtown, where streets are flanked with colonial mansions, palaces and churches. See the iconic Plaza Mayor with its imposing Cathedral on foot, then board a local bus bound for Paracas. The bus may stop about three or four times along the way during the 4-hour journey. There are no planned activities upon arrival, but you may want to seek out a bar serving Peru's national libation – this is the birthplace of the Pisco sour, after all.

This morning, wildlife enthusiasts might like to visit the Ballestas Islands in Paracas National Reserve for a chance to spot pelicans, red-footed boobies and flamingos on a 2-hour boat tour. Otherwise, take it easy with some more self-paced sightseeing in Paracas before the drive to one of the world's most mysterious archaeological sites – the Nazca Lines – a group of geoglyphs in the soil of the Nazca Desert, created between 500 BCE and 500 CE. Along the way, you’ll stop in the town of Huacachina. This little settlement sits beside a small lake with dramatic sand dunes. Here, enjoy the photo opportunities, you can also climb to the viewing platform or take an optional flight over the lines for the best views.

This morning after breakfast, you’ll have the opportunity to explore the eerie desert graveyard of Chauchilla, where the arid conditions have naturally interred the remains of the Nazca people buried here. In the afternoon you'll board a bus from Nazca to Arequipa.

Arrive at Arequipa this morning, check into your hotel room, refresh and enjoy some breakfast before you venture out for the day. Standing at the foot of El Misti Volcano and oozing Spanish colonial charm, Arequipa vies with Cusco for the title of Peru's most attractive city. Built out of a pale volcanic rock called sillar, the old buildings dazzle in the sun, giving the city its nickname – the White City. The main plaza, with its cafes and nearby cathedral, is a lovely place to while away the day. You have free time today, so maybe wander the main plaza and explore the cathedral, many cafes and eateries. You may like to visit the Andean Sanctuaries Museum, which houses Peru’s famous Ice Maiden – the Inca mummy of a girl who died in the 1440s.

Today you’ll travel about 5 hours by minivan to the town of Chivay. Along the way, you’ll see llamas, alpacas and vicunas – not sure how to differentiate between these adorable creatures? Your tour leader will explain the differences between them. You’ll also stop for breaks, photo opportunities and to try some local coca tea. The third stop takes you to the highest point on the tour at Patapama (4800 metres above sea level) before descending to your destination of Chivay. Enjoy a break for lunch in town, from here you can either spend the evening soaking in the baths, dining on llama steak at a nearby restaurant or seeing some live Andean music at a pena (local bar).

This morning visit the Colca Canyon, more than twice as deep as the Grand Canyon, the Colca has some breathtaking views. Here you’ll see terraced crops that have been cultivated since pre-Inca times by local villages. This is also the home of the Andean condor. Witness one of the world’s largest flying birds soar above and below you from a prime viewing point above the canyon. Later you’ll board a bus to Puno, it’s a long drive, but the dramatic views of Peru’s highlands – the Altiplano – make it an exceptionally scenic one too. Puno is located on the shores of Lake Titicaca, which you’ll explore in the coming days. Upon arrival, take the change to get acquainted with the town. Puno is known as Peru’s folklore capital, this is due in no small part to its thriving indigenous cultures, including the Aymara and Quechua. If you’re lucky enough to arrive during a festival, you’ll be treated to an elaborate parade of costumes and dances.

This morning, you’ll take a tour of the immense Lake Titicaca by motorboat, stopping at the floating Uros Islands that look like they could come from a Pixar or Studio Ghibli movie. Built by the Uros people to protect themselves from encroaching Inca forces hundreds of years ago, the islands are constructed from many layers of totora reeds that grow in the shallows of the lake. Get a closer look at contemporary life on the shores of the lake with a homestay in a local community. Help your host family with their daily activities, try out a few words in the Quechua language and maybe even join a local soccer game to make some friends on the makeshift pitch. Tonight, sit down and swap stories with your hosts, who will cook you a feast full of traditional Peruvian favourites.  

This morning after breakfast, board another motorboat and cruise to Taquile Island – known for the intricate, hand-knitted textiles the locals produce. Here, knitting is strictly a male domain and women do the spinning. It's a great place to pick up some high-quality, locally knitted goods, with the added bonus of supporting the local community. Then, take an hour uphill trek to the main area of the island, where you can shop for handicrafts. After, descend about 500 steps to the boat. Return to Puno, where you might like to gather your group and find a local watering hole to enjoy a drink or two – try a chilcano or indulge in another pisco sour.  

Take a scenic bus ride across the Altiplano towards Cusco – the continent’s oldest continuously inhabited city. Here, colonial buildings are built on foundations from ancient Inca times. Spend some time acclimatising to the high altitude of 3450 m, then set out to discover some of Cusco's lesser-known sights on a guided walking tour. Visit the facade of Qoricancha temple, San Pedro market, the main square, 12 Angled Stone, Regocijo Square and San Blas Square. End the walking tour at Cusco's Chocolate Museum where you'll get to sample a dissolute cup of hot chocolate made from local cacao beans. There’s also a small store where you can browse handicrafts and artisanal chocolate products.

Enjoy a free day in Cusco – the heart and soul of Peru. You may like to visit one of the city’s many museums and archaeological sites with a boleto turistico (tourism ticket). This includes the Contemporary Art Museum, Regional History Museum, Qosqo Native Art Museum and the Inca ruins of Saqsaywaman, Q'enqo, Puka Pukara, Pisac and Ollantaytambo. The most easily accessible among these sites is Coricancha, which was once the Incan empire's richest temple until the Spanish built a Dominican church on top of it. Just speak to your trip leader to organise this pass.

Depending on the travel arrangements you made before the trip, during the next four days you’ll be either hiking the Inca Trail (Route 1), hiking the Quarry Trail (Route 2) or staying in Cusco for two days before taking the train to Aguas Calientes (Route 3). All routes visit Machu Picchu.   While away from Cusco, the bulk of your luggage will be stored at your hotel. If you’re hiking the Inca Trail or the Quarry Trail, the evening before you leave, you'll receive a small duffle bag to carry your clothes in for the next four days (5 kg maximum). Your team of porters will carry these bags for you, together with the food and equipment for the trail. You won't have access to these items until the end of each day, as the porters will always be ahead of the group. If you’re travelling to Aguas Calientes by train, you'll be able to leave most of your luggage at the hotel in Cusco and travel with only a small bag for the overnight stay in Aguas Calientes.   Route 1 Inca Trail   Today, travel by minivan to the 82 km marker and meet your crew of local porters, your cook and your guide. Your first day will include uphill trekking to the campsite, which sits at 3100 m above sea level. On the way, you’ll see the Inca sites of Ollantaytambo, Huillca Raccay and Llactapata, as well as incredible views of snow-capped Veronica Peak. In the evening, unwind at the campsite with a nourishing meal prepared by your cook.   Route 2 Quarry Trail   Make an early start today and drive to Choquequilla, a small ceremonial place where Incas worshipped the moon. From here, you’ll head to the small community near Qory Song’o (Golden Heart) hill, where you’ll climb to the top for the incredible views of the Soqma Perolniyoc, Pachar and Huarocondo valleys. There are also several sacred tombs in the area, protected by the locals, which you can explore with your leader and even see some of the original structure crafted from wood and leather. These remains have never been seen by travellers before, so you can be a part of this exclusive experience. Carry on to the Perolniyoc Cascade lookout, where you can stop for some snacks and photos. Arrive at the campsite, 3700 m above sea level, around lunchtime. After, set off to explore the Q'orimarca archaeological site, which once served as a checkpoint to the Incas.   Route 3 Cusco:   Train Option stays in Cusco to have time to visit one of the many museums and archaelogical sites; the most accesible among these sites is Coricancha that was the richest temple in inkan times. Just speak with your tour leader to organise an optional activity as well.

Route 1 Inca Trail   This is the most challenging day of the trek, as you ascend a 5-hour long steep path to reach the highest point of the trail. Colloquially known as 'Dead Woman's Pass', Warmiwanusca sits at a height of 4200 m above sea level, providing amazing views of the valley below. The group will then descend to the campsite in the Pacaymayo Valley at 3650 m.   Route 2 Quarry Trail   This is the most challenging and rewarding day of the hike. A 3-hour walk takes you to the top of the first pass of Puccaqasa, about 4370 m high. After enjoying the picturesque views of the valley, it’s a short walk before stopping for lunch. After, make the 2-hour hike to Kuychicassa, the highest pass of the trek at 4450 m. From here, descend to the sacred site that the Incas called Intipunku. This is a sun gate, where the sun will stream through at particular times of the year and there are views of the Nevado Veronica mountain year-round. The Incas built several sun gates, the most notable overlooking Machu Picchu. Head to the campsite, only a stone’s throw away and at 3600 m.   Route 3 Cusco   This morning, drive through the Sacred Valley. Known as Wilcamayo to the Incas, the valley has been a source of livelihood for the locals for hundreds of years. You’ll see maize crops covering the terraced walls and the sacred river beneath. Stop for lunch in a local community, where you'll also get the chance to learn about their traditional lifestyle and maybe wrap your tongue around a few words of the Quechua language. stay tonight in Ollantaytamb, where you will have the option to check out the town’s fascinating archaeological site – ancient remnants of an Inca city with soaring views over the present-day settlement.

Route 1 Inca Trail   Start the day with a climb through the Pacaymayo Valley to Runkuracay Pass at 3980 m. Enjoy views of the snow-capped mountain of Cordillera Vilcabamba before descending for around 2 to 3 hours to the ruins of Sayacmarca. Continue over the trail’s third pass to the ruins of Phuyupatamarca at 3850 m, also known as the 'Town Above the Clouds'. Start the 2-hour descent down the Inca steps to the final night's campsite by the Winay Wayna archaeological site.      Route 2 Quarry Trail    Today’s hike will all be downhill. The first stop is the incomplete Kachiqata quarry, where the Incas were intercepted by the Spanish. Explore the cobbled streets of Ollantaytambo when you finish your trek, before taking the short train journey to Aguas Calientes. This is where you’ll meet with the travellers in your group who didn't hike. Spend the night in a hotel before tomorrow’s visit to Machu Picchu.      Route 3 Train to Aguas Calientes   Today you’ll meet up with the travellers in your group who may have hiked the Quarry Trail. You’ll catch a 1.5-hour train through the winding Urubamba Valley to Aguas Calientes. The city is nestled in the cloud forest at the foot of Machu Picchu. Spend the night in a hotel before tomorrow’s visit to Machu Picchu.    

Route 1 Inca Trail   This is the final and most spectacular leg of the trek to Machu Picchu – one of the famed Wonders of the World. The day starts before dawn, with breakfast at 4 am. Say farewell to the porters as they descend to the train station and begin hiking. Once the final checkpoint opens at 5 am, you’ll begin the final 2.5-hour trek to Intipunku (the Sun Gate). Weather permitting, you’ll enjoy unforgettable views over the ‘Lost City of the Incas’ as you enter Machu Picchu through the Sun Gate.   Route 2 and 3 Machu Picchu to Cusco   Take an early bus up to Machu Picchu at 6:00 am. The city was built around 1440 AD as a country retreat for the Incan nobility, but there’s evidence that the land had been a sacred Incan site for much longer. Take a guided tour around the ruins of temples, palaces and living quarters. This is a day to remember!  For all travellers, after taking advantage of the seemingly endless photo opportunities, it's time to catch the bus to Aguas Calientes, where you’ll stop for lunch together. From here, take a scenic train ride to Ollantaytambo, then drive back to Cusco, arriving in the evening.  

Enjoy free time to relax, shop and explore more of Cusco's many sights. Maybe rest your weary legs at a cafe on Plaza de Armas or head to the San Pedro Market where you can find vegetables, meats, local cheeses, chocolates, herbal medicines and many local handicrafts. It’s a great place to pick up souvenirs or ingredients for a picnic. The market is also where many locals (and daring travellers) go to eat ‘mystery soups.’ Some may be just chicken – however, the most popular among the locals usually contain frogs or offal. For those looking for something active, why not try mountain biking in the hills that surround Cusco?  

Rise and shine early today for your journey into the wilds of the Peruvian Amazon. Take an early transfer to the airport, then fly to Puerto Maldonado. Here, you’ll pack a small duffle bag with essentials for the next two days. Board a motorised canoe and cruise deep into the jungle. The journey to your eco-lodge in the Madre de Dios region will take a couple of hours, so you’ll stop for lunch along the way. Settle into your thatched-roof lodge before a short orientation walk of your surroundings. Spend the evening taking in the sights and smells of the jungle and enjoy an I’m-so-far-from-home moment. 

Get ready for an unforgettable day exploring the depths of the jungle! Set out on a half-day trek guided by local experts on the area's flora and fauna. Learn from your guides about the medicinal and practical uses for some of the plants that grow here, which Indigenous people have been studying and using for thousands of years. On your walk, keep an eye out for rainbow macaws and butterflies, and listen for the barking call of the peccaries and chattering of monkeys that call the jungle home. This part of the Amazon is also known to house capybaras, giant otters and jabirus, so keep your eyes peeled for these exotic creatures. Return to the lodge for lunch and some free time to relax. Once the sun goes down, venture out on a night walk in search of some of the jungle's nocturnal inhabitants (caimans, jaguars and anacondas). 

Leave behind the natural wonders of the Amazon and return to Puerto Maldonado where a flight will take the group back to Lima. One of our local representatives will meet you at the airport and will accompany you back to the hotel. Time permitting, the rest of the day is free to explore more of Lima's sights and maybe do some last-minute souvenir shopping. In the evening, maybe gather the group together for one last night out on the town and a celebratory farewell dinner of Peruvian favourites.

You have a free day in Lima today. Maybe you’d like to explore further, take up a fun optional activity or just rest and recharge, ready for the next stage of your trip.

This morning, you’ll take a flight to Quito, Ecuador – one of the most attractive cities in South America, sitting at an altitude of 2850 m with a view of Volcan Pichincha on the horizon. Constructed on the foundation of an ancient Incan city, you can explore the rich architecture of the colonial centre or Old Town. Head to your second welcome meeting at 2 pm and get to know your new group and trip leader. After the welcome meeting, join your local leader for a tour of Quito's historic center. Catch the Matro to the Parque de la Alameda and visit sites such as the Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a famous neo-Gothic church known for the details of its façade that represent Galápagos tortoises, Andean condors, and Amazon alligators. You’ll also visit La Compania de Jesus, considered by many to be the most beautiful church in the Americas. It's claimed that seven tons of gold leaf cover the interior whilst the exterior is decorated with statues, busts, sculpted heads, and a jungle of carved leaves. The tour will finish at San Francisco Square, where you’ll have the option to return to the hotel, or why not get to know your new travelling companions and dine in Quito’s Old Town – your leader will have plenty of recommendations!

This morning after breakfast, board a flight to the glorious Galapagos Islands – an archipelago of volcanic islands and a province of Ecuador in the Eastern Pacific Ocean. Known for its abundant wildlife and plant species, Charles Darwin famously visited in 1835 and was inspired to create his theory of evolution. When you arrive, you’ll head to La Loberia, where you'll put on snorkelling gear for the first time and go for a swim among the friendly sea lions – look out for sea turtles, too! Return to town for a free evening to explore. You might like to head out with the group and enjoy some fresh seafood.

Take a 45-minute boat ride to Leon Dormido (Kicker Rock) this morning. On the way, you might be able to spot nesting frigates and blue-footed boobies. You might even get the chance to swim among the sea lions again. At Leon Dormido, you can snorkel and look for sea turtles, manta rays and the harmless Galapagos shark. Eat lunch on the boat, then head to the Interpretation Center. Learn about the history of the 'Enchanted Islands' and the conservation projects that seek to preserve them. Continue to Frigatebird Hill (Cerro Tijeretas) – it's quite a climb to the top, but well worth the amazing views of the bay. Then, return to town in the late afternoon for a free evening.

Take an early morning boat ride to Isla Floreana and look for dolphins and whales along the way. Snorkel in the clear blue waters and then break for lunch. After, venture to a black-sand beach belonging to the Witmers – descendants of some of the first settlers on the Galapagos. The town here – Puerto Velasco Ibarra – has about 150 residents and an intriguing history involving deaths, disappearances and murders. Later in the afternoon, wave goodbye to Floreana and continue to Isla Isabela, where you’ll spend the night.

This morning, you’ll hop on a small Zodiac boat and cruise to Las Tintoreras (Shark Alley), looking out for blue-footed boobies and the famous Galapagos penguin. Take a short walk on this isolated islet and popular iguana nesting site, then snorkel in a calm inlet with colourful fish and winding underground lava tubes. This area is also frequented by green sea turtles that like to rest on the calm, sandy bottom. Return to Isla Isabela and visit the Arnaldo Tupiza Tortoise Breeding Center, where you'll observe giant tortoises in all stages of development. After learning about the thousand turtles that are preparing for life here, you’ll head to a brackish lagoon to observe flamingos. Later today, take a kayak around the island and spend your evening resting in the sand and soaking in your first Isabela sunset – arguably the most beautiful of all the islands!

Start your last day on Isla Isabela by heading towards the Sierra Negra Volcano – one of the Galapagos’ most active volcanoes and the world's second-largest crater! Weather permitting, you’ll take a challenging hike of around 17 km up the rocky mountain. After, make your way back to town for some free time to curl up with a book, soak your tired muscles or venture down to the water for a relaxing swim before dinner.

Jump aboard a private speedboat this morning and head to Isla Santa Cruz. When you arrive, leave your bags at the hotel and head to the Santa Cruz Highlands. Your first stop is a local farm, where giant tortoises roam the grounds freely. Here, you’ll meet with an expert chef for a cooking class to make the famed encebollado – a local tuna soup that’s widely considered one of the best in the world! This hearty dish uses slow-cooked albacore tuna and a savoury broth made of onions, cilantro and spices. The dish is traditionally served with yuca (a starchy root vegetable) and garnished with lime and green onions. Enjoy the soups of your labour for lunch, then wander the grounds with the slow-paced residents. After lunch, you’ll visit an organic sugar cane farm run by a local family for a tour of their trapiche (a sugar cane mill used in artisanal sugar production). See how the family harvests and processes sugar cane and cacao and how they work with the local community.

Take a morning walk in Tortuga Bay after breakfast. Along the way, keep an eye out for eagle rays, sea turtles and blue-footed boobies. Later, you’ll head to the local fish market for a dose of local life on the way to The Galapagos Conservancy, who help protect the Galapagos' unique biodiversity. Learn how The Intrepid Foundation supports the Galapagos Conservancy Women in Sustainable Entrepreneurship (WISE) program, which provides critical capital for sustainability initiatives and builds the entrepreneurial capacity of Galapagos women. After, head to the Charles Darwin Research Station – an international non-profit organisation that’s dedicated to the scientific research and conservation of the archipelago’s environment and biodiversity.

Say goodbye to all the colours of the Galapagos Islands and take a flight back to Quito (please note the flight will make a stop in Guayaquil). Arrive in Quito in the late afternoon, where you’re free to relax and recharge or head out with your group for a celebratory farewell dinner.

This morning, your adventure comes to an end. As there are no activities planned today, you can leave at any time after check out.

26 Breakfast(s), 10 Lunch(s), 6 Dinner(s)

Plane , Speed Boat , Canoe , Train , Private Vehicle , Public bus

Camping (with basic facilities) (3 nights), Homestay (1 night), Hotel (23 nights), Jungle Lodge (2 nights)

Included Activities

  • Chauchilla Cemetery Tour
  • Colca Canyon -Guided tour
  • Lake Titicaca - Boat tour & Homestay
  • Cusco - Leader-led orientation walk
  • Cusco - Chocolate Museum Visit & Hot Chocolate
  • 3 Night/4 Day Inca Trail (or 2 Night/3 Day Inca Quarry Trail) guided hike(s) with porters' support. Or guided Cusco stay (Machu Picchu by train)
  • Machu Picchu - Entrance and guided tour
  • Amazon Jungle - Amazon jungle lodge stay
  • Quito - Historic District Walking Tour
  • Isla San Cristobal- Snorkeling in La Loberia (1.5 Hours)
  • San Cristobal - Excursion to Leon Dormido or Lobos Islands
  • Isla San Cristobal - Interpretation Center (45 minutes)
  • Isla San Cristobal - Cerro Tijeretas View Point (1 Hour)
  • Floreana - Snorkeling
  • Isla Isabela -Tintoreras or Shark Alley (2.5 Hours)
  • Isla Isabela - Flamingo lagoon visit (30 Minutes)
  • Isla Isabela - Giant Tortoise Breeding Centre (1 Hour)
  • Isla Isabela - Kayaking
  • Isla Isabela - Sierra Negra Volcano Hike (5-6 Hours)
  • Santa Cruz Highlands Visit (3 Hours)
  • Santa Cruz – Organic Farm Tour
  • Santa Cruz – Encebollado Cooking Class
  • Isla Santa Cruz - Tortuga Bay walk
  • Isla Santa Cruz - The Galapagos Conservancy visit
  • Isla Santa Cruz - Charles Darwin Research Centre
  • Choose the classic Inca Trail, the quieter Quarry Trail or the scenic train route to reach Machu Picchu. It will be unforgettable, no matter how you get there.
  • Take a boat tour around the floating islands of Uros on Lake Titicaca and spend the night with a local family in a traditional island community.
  • Spend two nights deep in the Amazon Jungle, trekking with local flora and fauna experts through the ‘Lungs of the World’.
  • Huge giant tortoises, colourful marine iguanas and the puppies of the sea (AKA sea lions) – come face-to-face with these creatures and more on the Galapagos Islands.
  • Stay in locally-owned hotels in the Galapagos with daily island-hopping adventures by speedboat. The perfect way to see the best of the archipelago while supporting home-grown businesses.

This trip visits places that are at high altitude, and as a result some people can suffer from altitude sickness, regardless of age or physical health. Please see the Medical and health information section of the Essential Trip Information for more detail. This trip involves a lot of walking to see the sites, and if you trek the Inca Trail or Quarry Trail, there'll be strenuous hiking. The trip is recommended for those with a good level of fitness. Please bring comfortable footwear suitable to hiking. See the ‘Packing’ section of the Essential Trip Information for more detail. This trip includes a 17 km hike (approximately 6 to 7 hours) on rocky terrain. We recommend bringing sturdy, comfortable hiking or trail shoes with good support. Please see Day 5 of the Itinerary for more information. In many locations, you'll have very basic accommodation. This includes the two homestays in rural Peru, the Amazon eco-lodge and camping along the Inca Trail or Quarry Trail (if you do either of these options). There'll be no power in these places and some won't have showers or hot water. Hot water can be sporadic in parts of the Galapagos too. Temperatures in the Amazon can fluctuate from daytime humidity to night-time chill. Insects, especially mosquitoes, are common. We recommend tropical-strength insect repellent and light cotton clothing that covers your arms and legs, with warmer layers for the evening. According to Machu Picchu visiting regulations, all visitors must follow a pre-determined route within the site. This route must be followed in one direction only, and once the guided visit commences exiting and re-entering the site is not permitted. Once the guided visit concludes, visitors must exit the site and personal exploration of Machu Picchu is not permitted. Please refer to the Itinerary for details. Travellers who choose different ways of reaching Machu Picchu (Inca Trail, Quarry Trail or Train), will not follow the same routes within Machu Picchu. This means that you may not be able to have photos together, overlooking Machu Picchu. This applies to travellers on the same booking or separate bookings. Can't decide which trek is for you? Read up on them here: This trip involves a lot of travel by speedboat between the various Galapagos Islands. The rides can be quite bumpy at times, but the good news is that seasickness can often be managed with medication. Please consult a health professional to assess your suitability for such medication. From June to August the water in the Galapagos can be rougher than usual. Consequently, travel times will be longer than usual. If you suffer from seasickness you may want to reconsider travelling during this period. Proximity to the equator means the sun in the Galapagos is incredibly strong. Ensure you are prepared with sunscreen, a hat and sunglasses. We also recommend a rash guard. This trip includes snorkelling on multiple days. Confident swimming skills are required to take part. Alternative activities will not be available. Many travellers express interest in diving in the Galapagos. We are now able to assist with booking this activity, but only through a provider that meets our internal safety policy. Speak to your agent at the time of booking for more information. The Galapagos is a great place to switch off and take a break from your phone, as internet access can be patchy and wi-fi is not always available or reliable. Hot water can be sporadic in some parts of the Galapagos, so there may be a few cold showers on the trip.



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Peru | 30 D | 1 - 16 People
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