Zest4Travel Terms & Conditions

Erin Graham April 02, 2024

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Terms & Conditions


Please read the following conditions carefully.


1. We are a travel agent and in that capacity, we offer for sale to you various products and/or services on behalf of our Principals viz. airlines, other transport operators, hotels and other accommodation providers, tour operators and all other principal suppliers. These are referred to throughout as "the Principal/s"


1. 1: Our services consist of arranging and co-ordinating the services offered by the Principals. We are instrumental in bringing about a direct contractual relationship between you, the customer, and the Principals. We undertake to perform our services with reasonable care and skill but we cannot and do not guarantee the performance of the functions offered by the Principals and we will not be liable in the event that you suffer loss, injury or disappointment by reason of any acts or failings of any Principal. In any such case your remedy will lie against the Principal.


1. 2: You should be aware that the brochures which we supply to you are the brochures of our Principals and that the statements and representations contained in such brochures are not ours but are made by the Principals. Unless we specifically advise you otherwise we have no first hand knowledge of the facilities or services referred to therein. We are merely passing on to you the Principal's instructions and we accept no liability for any inaccuracies or misrepresentations contained in such brochures.

Travel Insurance

2. We recommend that you take out a travel insurance policy contemporaneously with the payment for your travel. If it is possible to do so, such insurance should cover the financial collapse of all parties involved in providing services to you during your travel as well as protecting you against medical expenses arising from sickness or injury during your travel and against loss of or damage to your belongings.

Cancellation Fees

3. Cancellation fees are likely to be incurred on all confirmed reservations or bookings. Further, some tickets may be non- refundable or non-transferable. It is important to check the position with us before you confirm arrangements and/or before you cancel any confirmed reservations.

Changes in Reservations

4. If you wish to change a confirmed reservation you are likely to incur fees. In some cases it may not be possible to change reservations or to cancel the reservation or it may be uneconomic for you to do so. You should always check the cost before requesting changes in reservations.

Price Increases

5. Airfares and tour prices may change (almost invariably by being increased) without prior notice and even though your arrangements have been confirmed. Such price increases are beyond our control.


6. If payment has not been made by the specified date, bookings may be cancelled.

6. 1: Payments may be made by cash or cheque. If you wish to pay by credit card it is necessary to check with us first as some airfares and package holidays cannot be paid for by credit card.


7. If you cancel your travel arrangements after paying for the same no refund will be available to you until after we receive the moneys from the Principal involved. In most cases fees will be payable for cancellations and in some instances you may not be able to claim a refund.

Passport and Visa Requirements

8. Prior to confirming your travel arrangements, you should check your Passport and establish that it will remain current for the entire period of your travel.

8. 1: Certain countries require that your Passport remains valid for a period of up to six months after the date upon which you are scheduled to leave such country. If your Passport expires less than six months after the date you are scheduled to leave such country you may be denied entry to that country.

8. 2: You should clarify visa requirements with the Embassies of the countries that you plan to visit as certain countries may require you to take out a visa whether you are travelling on a New Zealand or a foreign passport.

8. 3: The authorities in some countries (including Australia and USA) require holders of New Zealand passports to take out a visa for entry into their country where the traveller has been sentenced to imprisonment or been convicted of certain types of criminal offence. A visa may also be required where the traveller has a contagious disease of a specific type.

Re-entry Visas for New Zealand

9. Re-entry visas will be required for travellers leaving New Zealand holding a foreign passport. If you are a New Zealand citizen holding a foreign passport issued by a country which does not recognise duel citizenship you will not be granted a visa allowing you to re-enter New Zealand on your foreign passport after travelling overseas. N.B. It is most important that you make your own enquiries and satisfy yourself as to the position in regard to your passport and/or visa requirements before leaving New Zealand.


10. Certain countries require that travellers be vaccinated against specific diseases. Check with your doctor and the Embassies of countries to which you are to travel to satisfy yourself as to whether your destination has any requirements in this respect.

Checking your Travel Arrangements

11. We have exercised care in putting together the arrangements requested by you in regard to your travel and accommodation. It is important that you check all of the documentation handed to you in relation to your proposed travel and accommodation to ensure that it fully meets with your requirements and to ensure that there have been no misunderstandings.